8pm at Sipyard, 204 W Main St, Urbana, IL (outdoors) Anyone is welcome to perform as well as listen! Led by the faculty, musicians will play tango songs by ear or by lead sheet. Singers
You don’t need to be a workshop participant to enjoy these public events!
8pm at Sipyard, 204 W Main St, Urbana, IL (outdoors) Anyone is welcome to perform as well as listen! Led by the faculty, musicians will play tango songs by ear or by lead sheet. Singers
8pm at Rose Bowl Tavern, 106 N Race St #1, Urbana, IL (indoors) An evening of tango music performed by our incredible workshop faculty and additional guest artists.
Monday, July 25 5:30pm at Rose Bowl Tavern, 106 N Race St #1, Urbana, IL (outdoors) Amarras is journeying across the border from Toronto to participate in this year’s Tanguero Workshop. Come hear two sets
8pm at Independent Media Center, 202 S Broadway Ave, Urbana, IL (indoors) Witness over 25 tango musicians performing repertory coached by some of the world’s most renowned tango musicians. This event features several tango ensembles